
Ways to Prevent Burns and Cuts at a Worksite

Workplace accidents are a possibility in almost every industry. Although some organizations will have a higher tendency for accidents due to the nature of the work environment, virtually every organization will have employees who fall victim to some type of accident. Each accident has the potential to be either minor or major depending on the severity of the event. Whether it is a slip and fall, chemical burn, or laceration, the employer has an obligation to train their employees on how to avoid these workplace accidents from happening. Companies often make a point of providing high levels of safety training for their employees with the goal of keeping the worker safe, and protecting the company from certain liability issues.

While cuts and burns can be debilitating and painful, accidents that happen in the workplace can become exacerbated by dirty conditions, sharp equipment, and toxic chemicals. Understanding how to prevent these accidents from happening is a proactive way to protect yourself from harm.


Every new job brings new potential hazards that require your attention. Educating yourself on the dangers around you is the perfect place to start in adopting safe habits in the workplace. Many companies will put their employees through safety training; however, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are practicing safe work habits.


It is important to be aware of your surroundings at all times. From construction sites to warehouses, the workplace is continually changing and can turn dangerous in the blink of an eye. Watch for falling objects, obstructions in your path, electrical malfunctions and slippery surfaces.


Do your best to eliminate potential hazards within your work area. This includes:

  • Slippery wet surfaces
  • Broken equipment
  • Tangled tubing and cords
  • Don’t Rush

Pressure to get the job done quickly may lead to an accident. Take your time to do the job safely and accurately. Shortcuts can often result in an unsafe work area and a potential injury.


Don’t let anything or anyone distract you from the immediate task you are working on. If a noise or object is distracting, take action to eliminate the disruption and return to focusing on your project.


If you don’t know how to use a piece of equipment or aren’t sure if the item is working correctly, ask before proceeding with the task. It is better to take the time to ask a question rather than have an accident result from ignorance or negligence.


Make sure that you wear all of the required safety gear when operating equipment. Not only is this usually a company policy, but it will help to keep you safe from burns, electrical injuries, or cuts.


Chemicals can cause severe burns when mixed or used incorrectly. Be sure that you wear gloves when handling chemicals, read all labels, and follow the manufacturer’s directions for use.
If an injury does occur, make sure that you report it and get the appropriate help immediately. Workplace injury prevention techniques may be inconvenient and bothersome; however, they just may save you from a serious, life-changing injury.

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